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Introducing training options and more speakers for December’s news:rewired
December’s news:rewired is fast approaching, and Journalism.co.uk is pleased to announce the training options for news:rewired+, a full day of practical workshops taking place the day after the conference (2 December), as well as new speakers joining us on 1 December to discuss new models in local media, techniques for international investigations, and other trends and innovations in digital journalism.
As always, Journalism.co.uk workshops are focused on gaining practical skills and hands-on experience – this December, learn more about social media content strategies, advanced online research techniques and social video.
The upcoming news:rewired conference and the full day of training will take place at the MSN UK offices, in Victoria, London.
Training courses for news:rewired July 2015 now available
The main focus for news:rewired has always been in providing practical skills and advice for journalists in their day to day work.
With that in mind, we’re pleased to make the news:rewired+ training day options available for the forthcoming event in July.
The full conference will take place on Thursday 16 July, with a day of speeches, sessions and workshops on digital journalism, followed by a day of training on Friday 17 July.
Check out the new course listings.
Announcing three news:rewired+ training courses
A news:rewired+ ticket entitles you entry to the main conference on February 3, 2015, plus your choice of one of three training courses to be held at MSN the following day.
Announcing the training course options for news:rewired+ delegates: mobile, social or data
Our news:rewired+ tickets give delegates access to both the news:rewired conference on Wednesday 23 July and one of three training courses on Thursday 24 July.
There are three training courses to choose from are:
– Mobile journalism: Create multimedia on iPhone & iPad, led by Glen Mulcahy, innovation lead at RTÉ
– Creating a buzz: How to grow social media communities, led by Luke Lewis, editor of BuzzFeed UK
– Data journalism online, led by Conrad Quilty-Harper, data journalist at Ampp3d
We will have more details on the contents of the data journalism course very soon.
news:rewired+ tickets are currently available at a limited discount earlybird rate of just £245 +VAT, which is a 25 per cent discount on the training courses (which cost £200 +VAT to book separately).
However, this discount will only be available for the first 50 tickets sold (news:rewired and news:rewired+ combined), or by the end of Thursday 8 May, whichever comes first. After this point news:rewired+ tickets will rise to £300 +VAT, which still gives you a 15 per cent discount on the training course when booked as part of news:rewired+.
In-depth news:rewired+ workshops to cover key digital journalism skills
On Thursday 20 February, we will be running the next instalment of our digital journalism conference, news:rewired, which will look at key tools, techniques and skills being harnessed by newsrooms in the UK and further afield, and some of the big challenges and opportunities facing online publishers today.
As well as the one-day conference, we are also offering an additional half-day of training, consisting of a series of three, three-hour workshops the following day (Friday 21 February).
The workshops will be held at the same venue as news:rewired, MSN UK’s offices in Cardinal Place, Victoria, London.
The three options are:
1. Web-native video
2. Data visualisation
3. Searching social media and verification
More details on ‘news:rewired plus’ training days on 19 September
Want to attend a one-day training course the day before the news:rewired conference?
Choose from:
Creating a buzz: How to grow active social media communities – led by Luke Lewis, editor of BuzzFeed UK;
Mobile journalism: How to create quality video and audio on an iPhone and iPad – led by Glen Mulcahy, innovation lead at RTE;
Introduction to open data for journalists: finding stories in data – led by Kathryn Corrick from the Open Data Institute.
Video: Curation panel session at news:rewired
Video of the opening joint session at news:rewired on 19 April, which looked at the role of journalists as curators of content across the web,
The panel featured: Cory Haik, executive producer for digital news, The Washington Post; Matt McAlister, lead on the Guardian’s n0tice platform; Michael Rundle, technology editor, Huffington Post UK; Michael De Monte, founder and chief executive, ScribbleLive.
More speakers confirmed for #newsrw, including Wall Street Journal, Guardian and Johnston Press
Announcing the agenda and additional speakers who will be presenting at news:rewired – full stream ahead, which will take place on 13 July 2012 at MSN HQ, London.
New speakers include Raju Narisetti, managing editor, WSJ Digital Network, Alex Gubbay, director of digital platforms at Johnston Press, Subhajit Banerjee, mobile editor at the Guardian and John Barnes, managing director of the technology and digital division at Incisive Media.
We’re also pleased to confirm Pete Clifton, executive producer of MSN; Martin Fewell, deputy editor of Channel 4 News and Damian Kimmelman, CEO of Duedil.
#newsrw: Student online enthusiasts will probably end up in the mainstream, says @timesjoanna
By Heather Christie Journalism students seeking employment at online media companies are in fact more likely to find a job at a mainstream print news organisation than their peers who desire only a traditional career, says Joanna Geary, web development editor for the Times. Speaking on Tuesday at a panel hosted by City University’s School […]