Bye bye choppy audio and dark video while working from home. Learn how to create professional content using mobile gadgets and DIY hacks
Early-bird tickets now available: join us at Newsrewired on 1 – 10 December 2020
How do you lead the change? Join our second virtual conference and hear from our top speakers every Tuesday and Thursday between 1 and 10 December 2020.
Become a mobile journalism pro at Newsrewired
Join us at Newsrewired and learn how to create professional video and audio content using the tool you and your team already have – a smartphone. Whether you want to boost your social media strategy, publish more video or simply produce professionally-looking content with fewer people and resources, Newsrewired has you covered.
Slides and audio – Online video at The Economist: How to train the voice of a 173-year-old to speak social
In our fifth and final ‘Spotlight’ talk of the day, Adam Smith, deputy community editor at The Economist, gave attendees an insight into the process of creating social-ready videos that also match the organisation’s legacy. Find Smith’s slides below, with accompanying audio from his talk and find out more in this blog post.