Our next digital journalism conference news:rewired will take place on Thursday 20 February, and once again we will be liveblogging the sessions and presentations shared throughout the day.
We’re pleased to announce ScribbleLive as the event’s liveblogging sponsor. As a result, the conference livebloggers will be using Scribble’s real-time reporting platform to share the latest inspired advice and practical tips from the event. The technology will also enable them to view and curate conversations around the event hashtag #newsrw.
Tickets to the one-day conference, which is being held at MSN UK’s offices in Victoria, London, are available for just £130 +VAT.
There are also news:rewired+ tickets available for just £220 +VAT, which offer delegates access to both the one-day conference on Thursday 20 February, and a three-hour workshop the following day, Friday 21 February. Delegates can choose one of three hands-on workshops to attend: web-native video, data visualisation or searching social and verification.