
240 posts

Announcing Riddle as the latest sponsor of news:rewired

We are pleased to announce Riddle, a platform for creating social content like polls and quizzes, as the latest sponsor of the next news:rewired digital journalism conference.

The event will bring experts in digital journalism from around the world to MSN HQ in London on Thursday 16 July to share tools, tips and advice about the industry.

Mike Hawkins, co-founder of Riddle, will give a demonstration of how news organisations can use Riddle to better engage with their audience.

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First speakers announced for July’s news:rewired

With two months to go until the next news:rewired conference in London, we are delighted to announced the first set of speakers.

The conference will take place on Thursday 16 July at MSN HQ in London, with a full day of panel discussions and workshops on the latest tools and trends in digital journalism.

The first speakers include experts from the Guardian, Sanoma Media, Reportedly, Deutsche Welle, On Our Radar and Smart Film School.

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Training courses for news:rewired July 2015 now available

The main focus for news:rewired has always been in providing practical skills and advice for journalists in their day to day work.

With that in mind, we’re pleased to make the news:rewired+ training day options available for the forthcoming event in July.

The full conference will take place on Thursday 16 July, with a day of speeches, sessions and workshops on digital journalism, followed by a day of training on Friday 17 July.

Check out the new course listings.

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Announcing the next news:rewired digital journalism conference’s next news:rewired digital journalism conference is set to take place on Thursday 16 July at MSN UK’s offices in Victoria, London.

The one-day conference will offer delegates a choice of sessions and workshops covering tools, tips and techniques in digital journalism from some of the leading figures in the industry, aiming to give everyone involved some practical knowledge to use in their daily jobs.

Some initial themes and areas we are looking to discuss at the event include:

  • The mobile revolution – what journalists need to know about reporting, producing and distributing their stories with mobile devices
  • Live news – barriers between news events, reporters and the public are receding at pace, so how can journalists inform and engage with their audience in real time?
  • Native storytelling – the number of different platforms and digital networks increases by the month, so what do news organisations need to know to make their stories relevant?
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Speaker interviews from the February 2015 event

Thanks to all for another hugely successful news:rewired in February. We’re very close to announcing the next one, so in the meantime check out this YouTube playlist with interviews of some of the key speakers from the last event.

Don’t forget to follow @newsrewired for the latest news on the next conference and explore the news:rewired website for more coverage from previous events.


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Presentation slides – measuring success session

Journalists and newsrooms have access to more data than ever about their stories and how, when, why and where they are being read. But which metrics are actually valuable? And by what lens should newsrooms assess their work?

Analytics expert Stijn Debrouwere and City A.M. social and digital media director Martin Ashplant were joined by John LoGioco, executive vice-president at Outbrain, to discuss their views and experiences on the subject at the most recent news:rewired.

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WhatsApp ‘like a Ferrari you can only drive in a courtyard’

With 700 million users and a year of strong growth in usage from publishers, WhatsApp is a platform that news organisations can’t ignore.

At Italian publisher Gruppo L’Espresso, head of audience engagement and product development Alessio Balbi has found the platform has both a lot of potential and current limitations.

He shared his thoughts in the opening panel at the recent news:rewired conference and we caught up with him for the below video.

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