
265 posts

A look at what’s in store for news:rewired delegates

On Friday 19 April will run its next news:rewired digital journalism conference at MSN UK’s offices in London, Victoria.

The one-day conference looks likely to sell out, but for now the remaining tickets can still be purchased for just £130 +VAT at this link.

We have spent the last few weeks building a fantastic line-up of speakers, who will share practical tips, inspiring case studies and key digital journalism techniques with delegates on the day, across a series of sessions and workshops.

See the full agenda here.

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Announcing Newsmodo as latest news:rewired sponsor

We’re pleased to announce Newsmodo, a new freelance content marketplace set up in Australia, as the latest sponsor of digital journalism conference news:rewired.

The conference, run by, takes place on Friday 19 April at MSN UK’s offices in Victoria, London. reported on Newsmodo earlier in the year. Journalists can use the platform to put together an online portfolio, and then sell their multimedia work to news outlets.

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Announcing ipadio as latest sponsor of news:rewired

We’re pleased to announce award-winning technology and communications company ipadio as the latest sponsor of news:rewired, which takes place on Friday 19 April at MSN UK’s offices in Victoria, London.

Journalists can use ipadio’s app to work with audio, both to record as well as broadcast live. It also offers the ability to record phone interviews. According to ipadio, which was set up in 2009, its technology is now in use across 180 countries.

Co-founder and chief executive Dr Mark Smith will be speaking at news:rewired, within the mobile multimedia workshop.

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Announcing the full agenda for news:rewired

The digital journalism conference offers host of practical sessions and workshops for digital journalists.

There will be workshops in: Google tools for journalists, Mozilla’s Popcorn Maker (for creating web-native video), mobile journalism, growing a social media community, and start-up journalism.

Sessions will focus on: Curation: the journalist as manager, data-inspired stories, building participatory communities, online standards and ethics.

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Attending #newsrw and need a hotel? Delegates will receive discount at The Georgian House

Ahead of news:rewired on Friday 19 April we’re pleased to say The Georgian House is again kindly offering delegates a 10 per cent discount on rooms for Thursday 18th April, Friday 19 April and Saturday 20 April.

The four-star bed and breakfast is located near to Victoria Station and just a 10 to 15 minute walk from the event venue at MSN UK, Cardinal Place, 100 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 5JL.

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Latest news:rewired updates: New speaker and session details

Over the past few of weeks we have been busy working on the agenda for the next news:rewired conference, which takes place on Friday 19 April.

April’s news:rewired is a one-day digital journalism conference run by, and will be held at MSN UK’s offices in Victoria, London.

The first half of the agenda is already available to view online. In this post we’re pleased to introduce you to some of the speakers already confirmed to take part, and give further detail on what they will be discussing on the day. There will be lots more exciting announcements to follow in the coming weeks and we will keep you updated both on and via Twitter @newsrewired.

For more on some of the latest speakers added to the line-up, read the full post.

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Announcing first half of agenda for digital journalism conference news:rewired, Friday 19 April

The next news:rewired takes place on Friday 19 April at MSN HQ in London (Cardinal Place, 100 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 5JL).

Sessions will range from panels offering presentations and discussion around certain topics, to more practical workshops, offering demonstrations and guides to digital tools and techniques.

We have so far firmed up the morning of the agenda. The rest of the agenda and more speakers will be announced very soon.

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Announcing the first topics for April’s news:rewired conference

We’re pleased to announce the first details for the next news:rewired conference, which will take place on Friday 19 April at MSN UK’s offices in Victoria, London.

The one-day conference will bring together experts and innovators from the digital journalism industry for a day of inspiring presentations, practical workshops and topical discussions. Sessions will focus on the latest techniques and tools being used in forward-thinking newsrooms in the UK and beyond.

Some of the initial themes which we plan to cover at the event:

curation and the journalist as a manager
– user-generated-content and building the community into the newsgathering process
data journalism, including where to find data and initial research pointers
social standards and online etiquette

Sessions will range from panels offering presentations and discussion around certain topics, and more workshop-style sessions, offering demonstrations and practical guides to digital tools.

You can buy tickets for the conference for just £95 +VAT at this link.

Book Your Place!

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Final programme for news:rewired – which is now sold out

It is just one week until news:rewired – digital stories,’s conference on the latest innovations in digital journalism. The one-day event takes place at MSN UK in Victoria, London on Thursday 6 December.

There will be 37 speakers at the event, sharing case studies and tips on best practices, plus more than 150 delegates from news outlets and media organisations.

Sessions include: a keynote presentation on why news outlets should place data at the heart of the newsroom; how to best find conversations talking place on social media; and digital lessons and talking points of 2012.

There will also be practical sessions on mobile reporting, user experience, visual storytelling and long-form digital journalism, plus workshops on liveblogging, Twitter reporting and audio storytelling.

There will also be a lightning round of short presentations from journalism innovators.

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