Liveblog Newsrewired 22 May 2024 (archive)

digital journalism
Two original approaches to community journalism show that it is possible to own and monetise content for your nearest and dearest readers
There are no shortcuts for the issues facing the news industry. Esther Kezia-Thorpe says that going back to basics will improve trust in news, build better products and grow audiences
“Who is the enemy? Is it the stagnant economy, the tech platforms or news avoidance? I’d suggest it’s none of those. The enemy is inertia,” says head of digital Edward Roussel at Newsrewired
As 24 May approaches, we are excited to announce the first group of speakers who will be sharing their insights at Newsrewired. We hope to see you there! John Crowley, editor and consultant/co-founder of Headlines Network John Crowley is an editor, trainer and consultant with 25 years of journalistic experience in digital and leadership roles […]
We caught up with our speaker Lyndsey Jones to find out more about how the Financial Times is preparing its reporters for the newsroom of the 2020s.
Rouven Leuener is group head of digital product at Neue Zürcher Zeitung, one of the oldest German-language newspapers in Switzerland. He took the lead on digital innovation five years ago and shared his experience of experimenting with dynamic ‘paygates.’
Blockchain is not just about cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin; this technology has started to move into all kinds of sectors, from real estate to healthcare – and now journalism.
While the journalism community is slowly starting to take note of blockchain, many still use it as a bit of a buzzword without knowing 100 per cent sure what it actually means.
Can you go live from your smartphone in under 2 minutes? Harriet Hadfield, reporter, Sky News, never dares leave the house without her mobile broadcasting kit. She will give attendees an insight into some of the apps and tools she uses to shoot and stream video from her smartphone. Also, you are welcome to pass any materials […]
In this session, we looked at the resources needed in the newsroom to develop tools and templates, the collaborative approach between developers and journalists and the open-source movement. We heard from Nick Petrie, deputy head of digital, The Times and The Sunday Times, Jacqui Maher, interactive journalist, BBC News Labs and Elliot Bentley, graphics editor, The Wall Street Journal. […]