
news:rewired – beyond the story: what the delegates thought

We catch up with some of the delegates at the end of the latest news:rewired event – beyond the story, to ask them what their favourite sessions were, what they will take away from the day’s events and what they thought of the line-up

The one-day event looked at the processes and technology beyond producing content which could help make journalism more powerful. Sessions included discussions on building a community from scratch, search engine optimisation, linked data and the semantic web and the digital production desk.

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How specialist publishers can compete with national news organisations for SEO

A guest post from news:rewired speaker and SEO and content strategy consultant Malcolm Coles When national news organisations like the Mail or the BBC take an interest in your specialism, they can siphon off all your search traffic. All of a sudden, you go from being the number one result on Google for a given […]

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