
#newsrw: ‘We know more now than we ever have’ about our audience

Knowledge of the audience helps news organisations develop products, from enhancing interaction with newsletters with motive, short headlines, to improved feedback. The results discovered by the panel in the knowing your audience session at news:rewired, was increased traffic and better products

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#newsrw: ‘It’s almost as if the liveblog is the new home page’

Live blogs are Twitter for people not on Twitter, according to the panelists on the Is liveblogging rewriting journalism? session at news:rewired. Guardian blogs editor Matt Wells explained how the liveblog changes the structure of news stories away from the traditional inverted triangle and into an open-ended form

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#newsrw: ‘There is no point in having data unless you have context to go with it’

Open data is essential, but useless without context – that was the consensus at the local data session. A lively debate took place, where delegates heard from a range of speakers and their attempts to fill the niche in local data, creating “open data cities” and encouraging transparency

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#Newsrw: ‘It’s about creating a party and making it rock’

‘It’s not about being the centre of attention any more, it’s about creating a party and making it rock,’ said Mark Jones of Reuters in the social media strategy session at news:rewired. But at the Independent they are the focus with more than 100,000 Likes across the newspaper’s Facebook presence

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#newsrw: Keep the audience interested with interactivity

Interactive graphics are keeping online readers interested in newspapers online, according to the Guardian’s interactive technologist Alastair Dant.
His view, expressed in the developing the data story session at news:rewired, was backed by Professor Paul Bradshaw who said ‘with interactivity you get engagement’

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