

Five curation tools all journalists should know about

Ahead of the integrated storytelling session at newsrewired – connected journalism we’ve pulled together just five examples of the tools and platforms available to journalists to help them pull in content from across the web.

On the day of the event (6 October) Xavier Damman, the co-founder of Storify, perhaps one of the most popular curation tools, will be appearing to speak about the possibilities the platform offers.

You can buy tickets, which cost £130+VAT, here.

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Announcing news:rewired – connected journalism, 6 October 2011’s next news:rewired event will take place on 6 October at MSN’s London offices in Victoria.

news:rewired – connected journalism will look at the latest opportunities for collaboration in the newsroom given the evolution of new digital journalism roles, and how reporters can work with the wider community to improve, fund and find the journalism of the future.

Buy tickets here at the price of £130 (+VAT).

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Speaker presentations: Session 2A – Developing the data story

Here are the presentations from Session 1A – ‘The data journalism toolkit’, with Professor Paul Bradshaw, visiting professor, City University and founder,; Alastair Dant, lead interactive technologist, the Guardian; Federica Cocco, editor,; Conrad Quilty-Harper, data reporter, the Telegraph. Moderated by Simon Rogers; editor, Guardian datablog and datastore

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Speaker presentations: Session 1A – The data journalism toolkit

Here are the presentations from Session 1A – ‘The data journalism toolkit’, with Kevin Anderson, data journalism trainer and digital strategist; James Ball, data journalist, Guardian investigations team ; Martin Stabe, interactive producer, Simon Rogers; editor, Guardian datablog and datastore. Moderated by David Hayward, head of journalism programme, BBC College of Journalism

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#newsrw: A round-up of the best blogs from news:rewired – noise to signal

We’ve rounded up some of the best coverage of news:rewired from speakers and delegates alike and collected it together in one handy post.

Speaker Nicola Hughes – DataMinerUK has written a detailed summary of her talk in the sorting the social media chaos session, complete with tips on her favourite journalism tools.

On the Reuters Blog Mark Jones, who spoke in the social media strategy session, used Storify to round up Tweets, pictures and text from across the day.

And RBI’s Adam Tinworth heroically liveblogged every session he was in. Including the liveblogging session.

For all this and more, continue reading…

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