Francis Irving, senior developer at, the organisation behind Freedom of Information website, shares his thoughts on the future pf public data access in the UK
Qik: Joanna Geary and Sarah Hartley on citizen journalism
The Times Online web developer Joanna Geary and the Guardian Local’s launch editor, Sarah Hartley discuss citizen journalism and local media
Social media predictions: 2010
news:rewired reporters Heather Christie and Alex Walters caught up with Robin Hamman, head of social media for Headshift and Kate Day, head of communities for
Social Media: Think like your audience
Kate Day, from the Telegraph, and Jessica Reed, from the Guardian discuss effective uses of social media
Liveblogging the online trouble shooting session
A minute by minute account of the online journalism trouble shooting session with Jon Bernstein, Adam Tinworth, Malcolm Coles, and Robin Goad
Justin Kings – essential skills for multimedia journalism
Justin Kings, radio journalist and media consultant, lists the Top 10 essential skills of a multimedia journalist, gleaned from his Twitter followers.
The spaghetti revolution – George Brock introduces news:rewired
City University London journalism lecturer George Brock gives news:rewired a lively opening talk on adapting to seismic changes in the industry
Adam Westbrook on the benefits of the audio slideshow
Freelance journalist and multimedia producer Adam Westbrook on telling a story with audio and still photographs
Mark Rock, CEO of Audioboo, explains how the app works
Video from Rock’s talk about Audioboo and the app for it
The View from the Top: news:rewired welcome speech
Video from BBC College of Journalism’s Kevin Marsh at news:rewired