The final session at news:rewired looked at automation, giving delegates an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of using algorithms to produce stories in the newsroom, both from an editorial and technological perspective. We heard from: Simon Perry, co-owner and publisher, On The Wight Robert Dale, chief technology officer, Arria Slides and audio from the […]
Slides and audio – New models in local media
In this workshop, our guest speakers discussed the role of local media outlets in the digital landscape and whether they are sustainable. Alon Aviram, co-founder of The Bristol Cable, Greg Hadfield, editorial director of the Brighton and Hove Independent, and Andrea Iannuzzi, editor of AGL Gruppo Editoriale L’Espresso, shared their approaches to funding local media […]
Slides and audio – Chat apps in the newsroom: What’s next?
This panel explored the opportunities available for news outlets looking to produce and distribute stories on chat apps, including Snapchat, WhatsApp, Viber and Line, and the role they play in engaging with a broader audience. We heard from: Trushar Barot, mobile editor, BBC World Service Blathnaid Healy, UK editor,Mashable Heather Bowen, head of social media, […]
Slides and audio – What mobile audiences want from news
This panel took an in-depth look at how news outlets are tackling the production and distribution of stories for mobile devices and the role of personalisation in news apps. Below are the slides and audio recordings from Brianne O’Brien, mobile editor for BuzzFeed News, and Subhajit Banerjee, mobile editor at the Guardian, followed by audio of the full session including CNN Digital […]
Slides and audio – Christopher Meighan’s keynote speech
Christopher Meighan, director for digital news design and presentation, emerging news products, at The Washington Post, gave delegates an insight into the outlet’s digital innovation in his keynote speech at the recent news:rewired conference. Meighan outlined the Post’s approach to making news for the mobile and tablet apps, as well as its Apple Watch presence, and the […]
Links: Using free online tools to enhance storytelling
Ahead of news:rewired next week, here are some links to relevant reading for session 2A. The session will look at the ways journalists can take advantage of free online tools to break out of relying on the standard article format for news and features, and when and for what stories different tools are appropriate.
When should you curate other people’s content? When should you liveblog? When should you create a audio slideshow, visualisation, or video package?
Speaker presentations: Session 2B – Social media strategy
This post offers presentations from Session 2B – Social media strategy featuring: Jack Riley, head of digital audience and content development, the Independent; Stefan Stern, director of strategy, Edelman; Mark Jones, global communities editor, Reuters News; Mark Johnson, community editor, the Economist and Suw Charman-Anderson, social technologist.
Speaker presentations: Session 2A – Developing the data story
Here are the presentations from Session 1A – ‘The data journalism toolkit’, with Professor Paul Bradshaw, visiting professor, City University and founder,; Alastair Dant, lead interactive technologist, the Guardian; Federica Cocco, editor,; Conrad Quilty-Harper, data reporter, the Telegraph. Moderated by Simon Rogers; editor, Guardian datablog and datastore
Speaker presentations: Session 1A – The data journalism toolkit
Here are the presentations from Session 1A – ‘The data journalism toolkit’, with Kevin Anderson, data journalism trainer and digital strategist; James Ball, data journalist, Guardian investigations team ; Martin Stabe, interactive producer, Simon Rogers; editor, Guardian datablog and datastore. Moderated by David Hayward, head of journalism programme, BBC College of Journalism
Slideshow: news:rewired – beyond the story in pictures
See our speakers and delegates from news:rewired – beyond the story, 16 December 2010, in the slideshow below.