Damian Kimmelman, chief executive of Duedil; Claire Miller, senior reporter and data journalist, Media Wales; Bella Hurrell, specials editor on the BBC News website; James Ball, data journalist, Guardian investigations team.
Community building: how to engage creatively with different communities
Mark Johnson, community editor, the Economist; Malika Bilal, digital producer and co-host of The Stream, Al Jazeera (via Skype); Hannah Waldram, community co-ordinator, the Guardian; Ros Atkins, presenter, World Have Your Say, BBC World Service; Tony Haile, chief executive, Chartbeat discuss growing engagement of audiences both across social media platforms and on news outlets’ own websites.
LIVE: 3B – Mobile news, ideas on pushing out content across devices and apps
Subhajit Banerjee, mobile editor, Guardian; Robert Shrimsley, managing editor of FT.com; Peter Bale, vice president and general manager of CNN International Digital, (who will be speaking about Zite); Kate Milner, mobile product manager, BBC News discuss the thinking behind pushing out content across devices
LIVE: 3A – Verification, rumour and corrections, discussing best practice at #newsrw
Craig Silverman, founder, RegretTheError; Chris Hamilton, social media editor, BBC News; Paul Bradshaw, visiting professor in online journalism at City University London and course leader of the MA in Online Journalism at Birmingham City University; Mark Little, chief executive and founder, Storyful share advice on verification, rumour and corrections
Making digital journalism sustainable: is the homepage still relevant?
John Barnes, managing director of the technology and digital division at Incisive Media; Stephen Folwell, business director, multimedia and brand extensions, Guardian News & Media; Dennis Mortensen, chief executive and founder, Visual Revenue; Lucia Adams, digital development editor, The Times, discuss what readers are prepared to give in return for quality journalism: money and/or data.
LIVE: 2B – Building and harnessing the power of online communities
Mark Johnson, community editor, the Economist; Malika Bilal, digital producer and co-host of The Stream, Al Jazeera (via Skype); Hannah Waldram, community co-ordinator, the Guardian; Ros Atkins, presenter, World Have Your Say, BBC World Service; Tony Haile, chief executive, Chartbeat discuss growing engagement of audiences both across social media platforms and on news outlets’ own websites.
LIVE: 2A – Data to story, ideas in data journalism from #newsrw
Damian Kimmelman, chief executive of Duedil; Claire Miller, senior reporter and data journalist, Media Wales; Bella Hurrell, specials editor on the BBC News website; James Ball, data journalist, Guardian investigations team.
#newsrw: Making corrections in the age of social media
Advice on how best to correct information in the age of social media when errors can spread far and wide before they are corrected from Craig Silverman, editor of Regret The Error
Social news: NME’s hashtags, Channel 4’s Twitter engagement, and Tumblr’s cats
Luke Lewis, editor, NME.com; Marc Cooper, head of publishing at Northcliffe Digital; Faisal Islam, economics editor, Channel 4 News; Mark Coatney, media outreach director, Tumblr discuss engaging with readers via various social platforms.
For more from news:rewired – full stream ahead follow #newsrw
LIVE: Session 1B – Making digital journalism sustainable
John Barnes, managing director of the technology and digital division at Incisive Media; Stephen Folwell, business director, multimedia and brand extensions, Guardian News & Media; Dennis Mortensen, chief executive and founder, Visual Revenue; Lucia Adams, digital development editor, The Times, discuss what readers are prepared to give in return for quality journalism: money and/or data.
For more from news:rewired – full stream ahead follow #newsrw