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Five techniques for finding data stories in spreadsheets

  John Burn-Murdoch, data journalist for the Financial Times, used the mid-afternoon session of the news:rewired conference, today in London, to provided a step-by-step masterclass on the crucial skills needed to extract stories from in spreadsheets using Google Docs. Burn-Murdoch detailed five key techniques that can make spreadsheets your best friend when attempting to interpret data […]

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As is happened: Reddit – More than just AMAs

During this session of the news:rewired conference, in London today, James Cook, contributing editor at The Daily Dot, Fergus Bell, social media and UGC editor (international), Associated Press, and Victoria Taylor, Reddit’s director of communications, discussed how journalists can use the social news platform Reddit to source stories, verify facts and promote content. The session was moderated by Mark Frankel, assistant editor, social news, BBC.

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