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868 posts

“Look at the robot as your new colleague”: what automation can do for sports reporting

Robots are now capable of doing pre- and post-match coverage of 26 football leagues in a fraction of time, so you would forgive sports journalists for feeling replaceable.

But original reporting is safe in times of automation, according to Henning Johannesson, chief product officer of the Swedish company United Robots who spoke at Newsrewired earlier this month (7 July 2020).

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How can we improve team communication in times of working from home?

Lockdown and working from home has not been easy the media professionals during the coronavirus pandemic.

As Lucy Küng, senior research fellow, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, noted at the Newsrewired virtual conference (29 June 2020), everyone is feeling the stress – and that will only increase as furloughed staff return to work and teams get up to full capacity.

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Working from home: good for productivity, bad for innovation?

Like many others in the industry, Journalism.co.uk decided to bring Newsrewired digital journalism conference to your computer screens instead of a physical venue due to the covid-19 pandemic. We swapped out plans to host the event in Manchester for a four-day series of discussions on Zoom – all while adjusting to working from home ourselves.

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