The final session at news:rewired looked at automation, giving delegates an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of using algorithms to produce stories in the newsroom, both from an editorial and technological perspective. We heard from: Simon Perry, co-owner and publisher, On The Wight Robert Dale, chief technology officer, Arria Slides and audio from the […]
Slides and audio – New models in local media
In this workshop, our guest speakers discussed the role of local media outlets in the digital landscape and whether they are sustainable. Alon Aviram, co-founder of The Bristol Cable, Greg Hadfield, editorial director of the Brighton and Hove Independent, and Andrea Iannuzzi, editor of AGL Gruppo Editoriale L’Espresso, shared their approaches to funding local media […]
Slides and audio – Chat apps in the newsroom: What’s next?
This panel explored the opportunities available for news outlets looking to produce and distribute stories on chat apps, including Snapchat, WhatsApp, Viber and Line, and the role they play in engaging with a broader audience. We heard from: Trushar Barot, mobile editor, BBC World Service Blathnaid Healy, UK editor,Mashable Heather Bowen, head of social media, […]
Slides and audio – What mobile audiences want from news
This panel took an in-depth look at how news outlets are tackling the production and distribution of stories for mobile devices and the role of personalisation in news apps. Below are the slides and audio recordings from Brianne O’Brien, mobile editor for BuzzFeed News, and Subhajit Banerjee, mobile editor at the Guardian, followed by audio of the full session including CNN Digital […]
Slides and audio – Christopher Meighan’s keynote speech
Christopher Meighan, director for digital news design and presentation, emerging news products, at The Washington Post, gave delegates an insight into the outlet’s digital innovation in his keynote speech at the recent news:rewired conference. Meighan outlined the Post’s approach to making news for the mobile and tablet apps, as well as its Apple Watch presence, and the […]
Arria is the latest sponsor of December’s news:rewired
The next news:rewired digital journalism conference is taking place in just two weeks, and we are pleased to announce Arria as the latest sponsor of the event.
Based in London, the company has developed a software that can automatically produce written articles and reports in a variety of formats, as well as graphs and audio soundbites.
The event, organised by, takes place on 1 December 2015 at the MSN UK offices in Victoria London.
The day will offer a mix of practical workshops and panel discussions looking at the latest techniques and trends in digital journalism.
Longform video and local media: More speakers announced for December’s news:rewired

Andrea Iannuzzi, editor of Agenzia Giornali Locali, will discuss new models in local media, and Matt Danzico, founder of BBC Pop Up, will give delegates an insight into online video for the mobile generation.
How can ‘robot journalists’ help the media? Announcing the final session at December’s news:rewired

With less than a month to go until the next news:rewired conference taking place at MSN HQ in London on 1 December, we’re pleased to announce the afternoon session that will round up a day full of ideas, trends and techniques for journalists: automation in news.
WATCH: Virtual reality should be approached with ‘cautious enthusiasm’
Edward Miller, entrepreneur and head of visuals at, was on the panel discussing virtual reality in news at last week’s events.
In the video below, he explains why news organisations should be cautious when approaching virtual reality, why it might work better for ‘slow’ rather than breaking news and how it differs from 360-degree videos.
WATCH: How news organisations should approach eyewitness media
Claire Wardle is co-founder of the Eyewitness Media Hub and research director at the Tow Center for Digital Journalism.
In this video, she outlines why thinking of eyewitness footage as a type of media produced by a person that has actually been in a traumatic situation, rather than user generated content, influences the way in which journalists approach their sources.