admin's posts

153 posts

How the pandemic made newsrooms more creative

One of the biggest challenges for newsrooms during the coronavirus pandemic is continuing to lead change and innovation, while staff are burning out and the industry faces economic pressures.

Newsroom leaders and industry experts discussed how the crisis brought new opportunities to experiment and innovate.

Regional publisher Reach Plc had to juggle new working practices and furloughed staff with the launch of new websites. Meanwhile the BBC pressed ahead with smart speaker technology during the pandemic.

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“Look at the robot as your new colleague”: what automation can do for sports reporting

Robots are now capable of doing pre- and post-match coverage of 26 football leagues in a fraction of time, so you would forgive sports journalists for feeling replaceable.

But original reporting is safe in times of automation, according to Henning Johannesson, chief product officer of the Swedish company United Robots who spoke at Newsrewired earlier this month (7 July 2020).

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How can we improve team communication in times of working from home?

Lockdown and working from home has not been easy the media professionals during the coronavirus pandemic.

As Lucy Küng, senior research fellow, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, noted at the Newsrewired virtual conference (29 June 2020), everyone is feeling the stress – and that will only increase as furloughed staff return to work and teams get up to full capacity.

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Working from home: good for productivity, bad for innovation?

Like many others in the industry, decided to bring Newsrewired digital journalism conference to your computer screens instead of a physical venue due to the covid-19 pandemic. We swapped out plans to host the event in Manchester for a four-day series of discussions on Zoom – all while adjusting to working from home ourselves.

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How audio journalism can boost engagement

“One important takeaway for the team since launching NOA is that our users will happily listen at length to stories that provide them with added narrative. In fact, the data indicates that our listeners love opinion and analysis style pieces. (Many of them have also told us as much.)

“Their relationship with news, however, is one of lower engagement. A news-centric headline is unlikely to attract as much traffic on the app. And this is despite the fact that turnaround times during our morning and evening recording sessions are often as low as 30 minutes.

“Today, news has turned into a commodity that competes on both timeliness and cost. While this is a market segment that publishers must serve, the successful players will marry this coverage with stories that go beyond the headline to provide insight and perspective (the ‘oh, wow’ or ‘I never thought of it like that’ factors).”

Gareth Hickey is co-founder and chief executive of NOA, a Dublin based audio-journalism company that transforms articles from some of the world’s leading publishers into professionally narrated, spoken word stories. He will speak at newsrewired on 7 March.

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The big challenges of special projects

As audience consumption habits continue to evolve as the digital media industry grows, newsrooms have been experimenting with bold new projects to engage audiences. A selection of these special projects were the topic of discussion at newsrewired last week (8 February), where delegates heard about The Guardian’s VR immersive experience 6×9, Quartz’ 25 Days of […]

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news:rewired is sold out – but digital tickets still available

Tickets to next week’s news:rewired digital journalism conference have sold out! But if you didn’t manage to get a ticket for the one-day event on 23 July in time, don’t worry – you can still buy a digital ticket that gives you access to videos of the workshops and sessions that will take place on the day.

The event takes place on Wednesday 23 July at the MSN UK office in Victoria, and we will aim to have the videos available to view within a week of the conference.

Digital tickets cost £100 +VAT. Buy yours now at this link.

There are also still spaces on our one-day workshops running in London on Thursday 24 July, which can be attended for just £200 +VAT. There are three choices of practical workshops to choose from:

Creating a buzz on social media, Mobile multimedia journalism or data journalism online

Digital tickets are available in partnership with BlackRook Media.

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Announcing WSJ’s mobile editor David Ho as news:rewired keynote

We are pleased to announce David Ho, editor for mobile, tablets and emerging technology at The Wall Street Journal, as the keynote speaker for our news:rewired conference on Wednesday 23 July.

Ho will focus on “how news outlets and reporters can embrace the mobile revolution”, as well as considering “what comes beyond mobile and how emerging technologies will affect news and storytelling”.

In an additional workshop, later in the day at news:rewired, Ho will also highlight useful tools and apps for journalists interested in expanding their mobile toolbox.

The digital journalism conference will be held at MSN UK’s offices in Victoria, London, and will offer a range of sessions, including workshops and topical discussions, for those interested in the latest developments in digital journalism.

For more detail see the agenda information online, and book tickets here for just £130 +VAT, which includes lunch, refreshments and after-event networking drinks.

You can also book a news:rewired+ ticket to attend both the conference on 23 July, and a one-day training course the following day (Thursday 24 July).

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Social asset management platform SAM is latest sponsor of news:rewired

We’re pleased to announce SAM, an ‘online social asset management platform’, as the latest sponsor of’s digital journalism conference news:rewired.

The event is being held on Thursday 20 February at MSN UK’s offices in Victoria, London.

SAM, which can be used by journalists and others in the media to search, curate and organise social media content, is currently in private beta. Delegates at news:rewired will be treated to a ‘sneak peak’ of the platform, highlighting its potential use by journalists.

Founder and chief executive James Neufeld will deliver the demonstration within the journalist’s toolbox session, in the afternoon of the event.

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