With half of publishers betting on reader revenue as their main source of income in 2020, there is no hiding from the fact that news is no longer largely subsidised by advertising. Newsrooms are increasingly in charge of developing new, engaged audiences, as well as understanding metrics and creating new revenue streams.
We are pleased to announce that George Brock, a journalist, consultant, and visiting professor at City, University of London, will be joining the panel that will zoom in on different revenue options. Speakers will also shed light on what kind of revenue is best suited for what newsroom, inspiring the delegates to explore new ways to make their work sustainable.
About the speaker

George Brock consults for media companies and startups, and researches projects. He began his reporting career at the Yorkshire Evening Press and The Observer. In 1981, he joined The Times, where he served as a feature writer, features editor, op-ed page editor, foreign editor, Brussels bureau chief, European editor, managing editor, and Saturday editor.