Russell Contreras, reporter with The Associated Press, will be joining Newsrewired panel to bring a US perspective and fresh ideas on how to make your media organisation thrive by attracting diverse talents. He will also speak about the strategies The Associated Press has used in its newsrooms, what has worked and what has not amid changing demographics.
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Russell Contreras is a reporter with The Associated Press in Albuquerque, NM, and is a member of the AP’s national race and ethnicity team. He covers immigration, mass shootings, politics in the American Southwest, immigration, poverty, travel and Latino issues.
Contreras is the former president of UNITY: Journalists for Diversity in the United States and a member of the Native American Journalists Association and the National Association of Hispanic Journalists. He has covered stories in Houston, Boston, New York, Los Angeles, El Paso, Paris, Appalachia, the Mississippi Delta, and the US-Mexico Border. He is finishing a book on President John F. Kennedy and US Latinos.
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