Collaborative journalism is now being practised on a scale that constitutes a revolution in the media, found a report published today (29 September) by the Center for Cooperative Media at Montclair State University. Based on interviews with key figures involved in these type of projects, as well as industry events and literature reviews, the paperoutlines six […]
In Norway, four newsrooms are working together to produce and share fact-checks
Last autumn, VG and Dagbladet, two of Norway’s most-read tabloid newspapers, began exploring the possibility of collaborating on fact-checking. In December 2016, a small team of journalists, developers and designers from the two organisations started working on the project, called Faktisk. Two more organisations came on board this spring – NRK, Norway’s public broadcaster, and TV 2, the largest commercial […]
Newsrewired+ training (23 Nov) now available: Stories, podcasting, media law

A focus on practical, hands-on learning has always been at the heart of newsrewired, and will be hosting a full day of training after the main conference in November. Delegates can register to attend the conference (22 November) and one of the full-day courses during the training day (23 November) by purchasing a newsrewired+ ticket.
Early-bird Newsrewired+ tickets are available for £323+VAT until 15 September, after which you will be able to purchase standard tickets for £368+VAT).
Newsrewired+ tickets represent a 10 per cent discount compared to booking tickets for both days separately.
Both the conference and training day are hosted at the Reuters office in Canary Wharf, London. The conference agenda for the day includes talks and in-depth sessions on storytelling for mobile audiences, collaboration in the newsroom, and the applications of the graphic novel format in journalism. An early-bird ticket for the conference costs just £130+VAT, and can be purchased separately here: sign up to attend newsrewired, 22 November.
Newsrewired in the ‘innovate or die’ era
In a series on, we take a look at what the key figures in media were saying in the past, based on our archive, and how those issues can be related to the current challenges and opportunities that dominate the conversation about the digital media landscape. Our latest article is newsrewired themed! Newsrewired is a […]