We are delighted to announce the first speakers for the next news:rewired digital journalism conference, including the Guardian’s recently appointed executive editor for digital Aron Pilhofer.
Pilhofer, who recently caused a stir of debate around the future of digital journalism with his first public speaking appearance in the UK at Hacks/Hackers London, will be giving the keynote speech at news:rewired on Tuesday 3 February at MSN UK’s offices in Victoria, London.
The news:rewired digital journalism conference focusses on practical tips and advice for news organisations and individual journalists, covering the key trends in digital journalism and workshops on improving professional skills and knowledge.
Speakers already confirmed include:

Sessions and workshops planned for the day will look at experimentation in the newsroom; new ways to cover politics and the upcoming UK General Election; engaging with younger audiences and approaches to visual storytelling.
More sessions will be announced as speakers are confirmed.