We’re pleased to announce the first half of the agenda for news:rewired, Journalism.co.uk’s digital journalism conference.
The next news:rewired takes place on Friday 19 April at MSN HQ in London (Cardinal Place, 100 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 5JL).
Sessions will range from panels offering presentations and discussion around certain topics, to more practical workshops, offering demonstrations and guides to digital tools and techniques.
We have so far firmed up the morning of the agenda, which you can see below. The rest of the agenda and more speakers will be announced very soon.
9.20-9.25am: Welcome
9.25-9.55am: Keynote speech (speaker tbc)
10-11.15am: Session 1 – Curation: The journalist as manager
- A look at the growing role of the journalist as a manager of information from the social web and beyond. The session will share some key skills, tools and techniques for effective curation across different forms of digital news delivery, from the liveblog to innovative collections of content shared on social media.
With: Cory Haik, executive producer for digital news, The Washington Post; Matt McAlister, lead on the Guardian’s n0tice platform; Michael De Monte, founder and chief executive, ScribbleLive. More speakers to be announced.
11.15-11.25am: Lightning round
With: Alex Wood, editor, Tech City News, who will outline some of the top new emerging technologies for publishers. More speakers to be announced.
11.25-11.45am: Coffee break
11.45am-1pm: Session 2 (divides into streams A and B, which delegates must choose from)
A: Data-inspired stories
With: Claire Miller, data journalist, Media Wales. More speakers to be announced.
B: Building participatory communities
With: CNN iReport (speaker tbc). More speakers to be announced.
1-2pm: Lunch
Following the lunch break the conference will run some practically-focused workshops (with delegates choosing one to attend one from three options), as well as a further two sessions. Subjects to be covered in the afternoon will include start-up journalism and online standards and ethics. We will be announcing further details and publishing the full agenda very soon.
The day will close with networking drinks from 5.30 to 7.30pm.
There are two ticketing options for news:rewired:
- news:rewired: Delegates can purchase a ticket for the one-day conference for just £130 +VAT. Tickets include lunch, refreshments and after event drinks on the day.
- news:rewired PLUS: These tickets offer a place at the conference, as well as a day of intensive training the day before the event. The three options on offer for the day of training prior to the event are advanced online research with Colin Meek, data visualisation with Paul Bradshaw and Caroline Beavon, and online video journalism with Adam Westbrook. Space on these training courses will be limited and running of them will be subject to demand. news:rewired PLUS tickets are available for just £310 (+VAT).
You can buy either of these tickets at this link. If you select a news:rewired PLUS ticket Journalism.co.uk will contact you to confirm which training course you would like to attend on the Thursday (18 April) and provide further details.
Find out more about news:rewired PLUS tickets at this link.