Journalism.co.uk is running its one-day digital journalism conference news:rewired – digital stories at MSN UK, Victoria, London (SW1E 5JL) today.
The event is focused on the latest tools, techniques and tips on how to produce the best digital journalism, with innovative case studies and discussions on how to make it pay.
Data expert Nicolas Kayser-Bril, who is chief executive and co-founder of Journalism++ will deliver the keynote. He will talk about how and why news outlets should place data at the heart of the newsroom.
The opening session is on collecting social conversations, with presentations from the Guardian US, Google+, BreakingNews.com and social media monitoring platform Synthesio.
There will also be practical sessions on mobile reporting, user experience, visual storytelling and long-form digital journalism.
Three workshops offer tips on liveblogging, Twitter reporting and podcasting and audio skills.
The final panel, consisting of speakers from Storyful, The Irish Times, Financial Times and analytics platform Parse.ly, will discuss the digital lessons from 2012.
If you’d like to follow events from afar we will be tweeting from @newsrewired using the #newsrw hashtag.
You can see the full agenda at this link, and our livebloggers will also be covering the sessions on the event website.