

news:rewired – digital stories, Thursday 6 December, at MSN UK, London

The next news:rewired digital journalism conference will take place on Thursday 6 December at MSN UK in Victoria, London.

news:rewired – digital stories will bring together key digital journalism experts and innovators for a day of sessions, workshops, debates and discussion, geared towards equipping you with knowledge of the latest techniques and tools for producing top-notch digital journalism, as well as offering insight into some of the innovative projects evolving within today’s newsrooms – and outside of them.

Book Your Place!

Here are just some of the session and workshop topics that will be covered at the one-day conference:

  • the opportunities for long-form, in-depth journalism on digital platforms
  • collecting social conversations on networked platforms
  • visual storytelling ideas and tips
  • tips for effective audio storytelling
  • pointers on building good user experiences with digital content
  • reporting in real-time and best practice in liveblogging
  • top tips for Twitter reporting strategy

Sessions will range from panels offering presentations and discussion around certain topics, and more workshop-style sessions, offering demonstrations and practical guides to digital tools. See the agenda.

Speakers already confirmed include:

  • Katie Rogers, social news editor, Guardian US
  • Dr Johnny Ryan, chief innovation officer, The Irish Times
  • Jonas Forth, creative director, ThingLink
  • Nic Newman, digital strategist
  • Ian Barber, senior developer advocate, Google+
  • Grig Davidovitz, co-founder, RGB Media
  • Martin Belam, principal consultant, Emblem
  • Nate Lanxon, editor,
  • Bobbie Johnson, co-founder, Matter
  • Alex Miller, executive editor, VICE UK

See the full speaker list.


There are two ticketing options for news:rewired this time round.

news:rewired: Delegates can purchase a ticket for the one-day conference for just £130 (+VAT). Lunch and refreshments will also be provided at the day-long event, as well as networking drinks afterwards.

news:rewired PLUS: With this new option delegates can instead purchase one of our news:rewired PLUS tickets, which includes both a day’s intensive training on the Wednesday (5 December) and the day-long conference on the Thursday (6 December).

With the news:rewired PLUS ticket delegates can choose one of the three two options below for the day of intensive training (the links below give an idea of the content of each course – the dates mentioned on the pages linked to are not part of news:rewired PLUS, this is only available on Wednesday 5 December):

Introduction to data journalism, run by Paul Bradshaw

Online media law, run by David Banks

Advanced online research skills, run by Colin Meek(This course has now sold out)

news:rewired PLUS tickets are just £310 (+VAT).

You can buy either of these tickets at this link. If you select a news:rewired PLUS ticket we will contact you to confirm which training course you would like to attend on the Wednesday and provide further details. Space on these training courses will be limited and running of them will be subject to demand.

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